AfriCanada Imports

Our Services

We Provide Authentic Ethnic Products From Africa

Natural Ingredients

We offer healthy, affordable food naturally grown products with all-natural ingredients.


Experience the rich tapestry of flavours with our authentic African spices.



We sell authentic imported African merchandise made with high quality materials.

Employ Women

We employ women in Africa in order to help them make enough income and perfect their skills which in turn allow them to support their families’ needs.

We Support Farmers

We aim to improve food security and better prospects for poor rural communities living with the daily threat of famine and drought, by providing employment and training on our farms, whilst educating members on ways to avoid famine and become self-reliant on their local lands.

Fair Trade for Farmers

Farmers do not mean Famine! We partner with local ranchers, growers, and producers. We invest in local economies, markets, and the private sector in Africa. At Africanada, we show solidarity with farmers, and workers and help advocate for economic sustainability for all with a just wallet.